The new school year is right around the corner…

Does anyone want to adopt my classroom?! The reason I could use a little help with my classroom… I started teaching in 2007. In 2012, the school I worked at closed and I promised my husband that since I wasn’t returning to the classroom (I had landed a job as an education consultant) that I […]

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Hey… I’m still here!

Hi All! I know its been a while! To say that the last couple of years have been quite a ride, is really an understatement.  In February 2020, I lost my principal position at INDLS, then we had the beginning crazy of COVID pandemic, March 2020 I took a position with Campagna as the Director […]

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I’m still here!

As many of you know, I started a new teaching position at the beginning of the school year, I am one of three special education teachers at a local high school and have about twenty students on my case load- which means a lot of tracking, monitoring, mentoring, and IEP stuff. I also direct teach […]

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By popular request… Gruyere stuffed beef & mushroom meatballs…

I’ve had quite a few days of feeling “off”, I’m sure its a matter of frustration with the State of Indiana – after being on unemployment since January, I was “selected” for an audit of my claim, it took a month of non-payment for unemployment audit to finally get settled (I did all I was […]

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Every recipe has a story… well maybe not every recipe… but this one does!

Layered Meatloaf… who knew would be such a hit. The story behind the ever evolving meatloaf recipes (I have dozens…) is when Mike and I first moved in together, I made dinner one night… meatloaf, mashed potatoes and some vegetable (I don’t remember now… probably green beans), as we sat down Mike informs me that […]

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Sometimes we need something simple and easy…

With all the job applications and disappointments lately, my creativity has been sort of lacking. I’m still on the hunt for that awesome position that will be my end all be all position… I know, aren’t we all? I miss truly being in an educational setting, whether virtual or in person, I love both. 🙂 […]

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Bourbon Chicken & Shrimp… yummy!

With constant looking for positions and touching base with friends and former colleagues, the hunt continues. So I decided it was high time to break out the wok and revisit an old favorite! I hit a snag though, I had intended to include broccoli but alas… my broccoli was not in good shape for human […]

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Warning… random and may not be the best read…

I’ve wondered off and on for years now, if I should take some of my experiences and share them with others. There’s a lot being said about education, teachers, administrators, etc. these days and I sometimes wonder if anyone would really like to know one educator’s experiences with some of the insanity that this career […]

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Quiet Sunday… so far

I’m hoping that this week shows some progress… so frustrated… as most know, my position was eliminated (again) at Campagna, so far no pay from unemployment because they have been unsuccessful in reaching Campagna… UGH… but hopefully that situation is resolved by Tuesday. Just as an informational bit here… if the case worker for unemployment […]

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Happy Snowy Saturday!

So its been a snowy week of job hunting, job hunting… job hunting! I have made a lot of leftovers this week… hence the limit of recipes coming in… lol… Really its more like by the time I’ve spent 3-4 hours scouring the local districts and job boards for possible jobs… I’m over being on […]

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